Here we are. Me and Rick. He’s the one with the short ears. Didn’t eat enough alfalfa as a colt. Can’t trot worth a damn, neither, but he’s a real good author. Rick wrote that book, Heirloom Stories from the Harnessmaker’s Son.
Personally, I really enjoy rolling around in dirt, but Rick likes the feeling he gets when people ask for autographs after buying his book. He knows how much readers value author contact and autographs. He wants to offer that extra value to every reader, and that feeling to every author.
That’s why we launched in October of 1999. Its On-line Book-sign Party allows readers to purchase autographed books directly from authors at no extra cost.
We expect the number of participating authors to grow dramatically in coming months. Be sure to visit us again soon to meet more interesting authors … or sign up for our newsletter and hear about the new authors regularly.
Do you have comments, suggestions, or possibly … compliments? Please contact us and leave your thoughts. I like reading them with my morning oats.
Thank you,
Justin the Horse
… and Rick Kamen, the Harnessmaker’s Grandson
(who also eats oats in the morning)