Would you like to know more about one of these books? Click on its title. You’ll visit the author’s Web site where you can order the book autographed.
Title: Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World
Author: Shel Horowitz
Book Description: Comprehensive frugal marketing guide: Internet (9 chapters), free national/international publicity, advanced copywriting, press releases, sales psychology, ads, direct mail, tradeshows… Endorsed by Jay “Guerrilla Marketing” Levinson, other experts.
Special Offer: Priority Mail for Book Rate price (U.S.)

Title: Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring
Author: Shel Horowitz
Book Description: Inexpensive guide to marketing cheaply and well: free publicity in local media, copywriting basics, direct mail for pennies… Originally published by Simon & Schuster. Praised by Library Journal, Bottom Line/Business, many others.
Special Offer: Reduced to $8 + shipping

Title: Outcome Thinking: Getting Results without the boxing gloves
Author: Anne Warfield
Book Description: Would you like to learn how to say the right thing at the right time? Would you like to have people understand exactly what you are saying? Then this book is for you.
Special Offer: Save $5.00, enter the code IMP101 (all caps) in the shopping cart when ordering online.

Title: Sold On Seniors – How You Can Reach & Sell the $20 Trillion Senior Marketplace
Author: Gary Onks
Book Description: Based on Real-Life, In-Person Sales to Seniors. Learn how to reach and sell the biggest, fastest growning, highest net worth consumer market that exists…Seniors!
Special Offer: 25% off and free shipping to USA addresses. $22.45 is your total cost for this 144-page hardcover book of senior marketing secrets. Book includes special offer for additional senior sales materials.

Title: How to Make a Million Dollar First Impression
Author: Lynda Goldman
Book Description: A great first impression is vital to getting the job, client or contract you want. Learn the secrets of body language, business dining, and business image. Simple tips and techniques help you feel confident so you reach your business goals.
Special Offer: Free booklet, “Business Casual or Business Casualty?” (value: $5.95) with every order.